Stripe payment integration

Stripe and MyWiFi

Integrate your Stripe account with your MyWiFi account so that your guests can make payments to connect to WiFi.


  • Active subscription with Stripe.
  • Active MyWiFi subscription.
  • A location with an associated campaign.
  • A custom control panel domain active

Stripe setup

  1. Log in to your Stripe account.
  2. Copy your Live API keys, Publisher Key and Secret Key.
    Your Live API keys are both displayed on your Home page, Clicking the eye icon next to the Secret Key will display it so that you will be able to copy it.

Stripe integration

By integrating Stripe as an app into your dashboard, you can enable payment within your campaign.


  1. Log in to your MyWiFi dashboard.
  2. Select Apps from the main menu.
  3. Click Add New App.
  4. Select Stripe.
  5. Decide on an App Name and enter the Stripe Account ID, then click Connect with Stripe.
  6. Confirm the integration with Stripe by clicking Connect my Stripe account.

    NOTE: You will need to contact support, so that we can whitelist your custom control panel domain for Stripe use.

    You can now enable Connect with Credit Card as a login option for your campaigns and charge your guests for WiFi access.

    For a full step-by-step guide on adding this option, click here.

Need Help?

If you have any questions, please contact our support team by clicking the support icon located in the bottom right-hand corner of this page.

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