Firmware Installation for GLI GL-AR150 Devices

The GLI GL-AR150 can be purchased here from Amazon and you can install the firmware yourself in just a few minutes.

Firmware installation

  1. Add the GL-AR150 device to your MyWiFi account and save the firmware .bin file.
  2. Plug your device into a power source.
  3. Find the device's default SSID and connect to it (default password is printed on rear).
  4. Once connected, visit in your browser.
  5. Follow the prompts (language, timezone, set password).
  6. Click on Firmware in the left-hand menu, then click Upload Firmware.

  7. Drag the firmware .bin file from Step 1 into the upload panel.
  8. Wait for the system to process this new firmware.
  9. Uncheck Keep Settings and click Upgrade.

  10. Wait around 3 minutes for the device to finish.

    NOTE: Do not power down the device while updating the firmware.


Only perform the following steps if the process above was unsuccessful.

How to Unbrick Your GLI GL-AR150

In case your firmware installation is unsuccessful and you are unable to boot the device, please follow these steps to reset your device and install the firmware:

  1. Plug-in an ethernet cable to the LAN port off your device.
  2. First press and hold the Reset button firmly.
  3. While holding the Reset button, power on your device.
  4. The LEDs will start to blink.
  5. After a few seconds, release the button when you see the LEDs flash 5 times.
  6. The device will enter Uboot Web UI automatically.
  7. Set your computer’s IP address to:
  8. User Firefox or Chrome to visit the url:
  9. Select the MyWiFi GLI GL-AR150 firmware .bin file and upload it to the device. 
  10. Wait around 3 minutes for the device to finish.

    NOTE: Do not power down the device while updating the firmware.
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