Why are my returning guests skipping the campaign?

If a user disconnects from your network, then signs back into the same network while the session is still ongoing, they will experience an automatic login -- your campaign won't show.

If your campaign isn't showing, these steps will confirm that this is the cause, and allow you to prevent it from happening in the future:

  1. Verify that the guest is connected to the correct wireless network.
  2. Verify that your campaign has a session time limit set and that the user is still within that time period. You can find this information in the Session tab of your location settings.
  3. Adjust the Session Time Limit slider to your needs. When this timer runs out, your guests will need to sign in to the network again.

Contacting Support

If your guests aren't connecting to a session that they had already started, and they're still not seeing your campaign's landing page, please contact support with as much of this information as possible:

  • The campaign that should be appearing
  • A full description of what your guests are instead seeing
  • If they are listed as a contact, give us their contact information so that we can find them in your account.

This will help us figure out what's going on as quickly as possible!

Need Help?

If you have any questions, please contact our support team by clicking the support icon located in the bottom right-hand corner of this page.

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