SMTP server integration

If you have an email address using your own domain name, you can use that email address to send email messages through MyWiFi.



The guide below is for users who use cPanel to manage email address accounts for registered domains. If you are not using cPanel, please consult your domain registrar support or web hosting support to get the SMTP details for your email address.



  • Active subscription with ActiveCampaign.
  • Active Pro or higher MyWiFi subscription.
  • A location with an associated campaign.

cPanel settings

  1. Log in to your cPanel account. Go to the Email section and click on Email Accounts.
    Image 2020-04-18 at 1.31.52 AM
  2. Find the email you want to connect with MyWiFi, and click Connect Devices.
    Image 2020-04-18 at 1.35.11 AM
  3. Find the Secure SSL/TLS Settings section, and note your Username, Password, and Outgoing Server details.
    Image 2020-04-18 at 1.37.18 AM

SMTP app integration

Now that you have your server details, you can integrate your SMTP server as an app in MyWiFi.

  1. Log in to your MyWiFi dashboard.
  2. Select Apps from the main menu.
  3. Click Add New App.
  4. Select Email Services.
  5. Select Generic SMTP.
  6. Decide on an App Name and enter the details that you got from your SMTP server:

    Username: The username from your SSL/TLS settings.
    Password: The password for your email address.
    Host: The Outgoing Server host
    Port: The SMTP port of the Outgoing Server

    You can also set your opt-out mailing address, and whether the location's address will supersede it.
    Image 2020-04-18 at 1.48.47 AM
  7. Click Proceed.

Now that your app has been added to MyWiFi, you can use our WYSIWYG email editor to craft beautiful emails that you can send as real-time broadcasts or as an automation!



MyWiFi will only use the SMTP server to send out automated emails from your email automations and real-time broadcasts. You will receive customers' email responses in your email's inbox.

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