Ad campaigns

Ads live within ad zones, which are then in turn placed within campaigns. You can manage the ad zones that appear in your campaigns from one spot.

Manage your ad zones in campaigns

  1. Select Ad Campaigns from the main menu.
  2. Click the edit button next to the campaign.
    Only campaigns that have ads enabled will be displayed, if none are displayed ensure that your campaign has ads enabled.
  3. Select where you would like the ad to appear.
    Pre-Login - Appear on your login page in either the header, footer or both.
    NOTE: Login page ad redirects are disabled.
    Interstitial - Appears as a step within your campaign flow (Duration can be set up to 30 seconds).
    Post-Login - Appears at the end of your campaign, provides ad placement in the header, footer, mid-page or all three.
  4. Select which zone you would like your ads to appear in.
  5. For post-login interstitial you can also select the redirect duration.
    This is the time the ad or page will be displayed before login completion.
  6. Click Save.


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