ActiveCampaign and MyWiFi
Integrate your ActiveCampaign account with MyWiFi so that you can send your guest data to your ActiveCampaign contact lists and use their automations and campaigns to connect with your guests.
- Active subscription with ActiveCampaign.
- Active Pro or higher MyWiFi subscription.
- A location with an associated campaign.
ActiveCampaign setup
You will need to log in to your ActiveCampaign account and retrieve the access URL and key before beginning to integrate your new app.
- Log in to your ActiveCampaign account.
- Select Settings from the main menu.
- Go to the Developer tab.
- Copy the API Access details -- you'll need both your URL and Key to add ActiveCampaign to MyWiFi.
ActiveCampaign integration
Now that you have your API details, you can integrate ActiveCampaign as an app in MyWiFi.
- Log in to your MyWiFi dashboard.
- Select Apps from the main menu.
- Click Add New App.
- Select Auto Responder.
- Select ActiveCampaign.
- Decide on an App Name and enter the API key and URL that you got from ActiveCampaign. Your app name can be anything you'd like -- it's just for you to reference internally.
- Click Proceed.

ActiveCampaign automation
Now that your ActiveCampaign account has been integrated with MyWiFi, you can create an automation with it.
- Select Automation from the main menu.
- Click Add New Automation.
- Decide on an Automation Name, and select the Location and Campaign this automation is for.
- Click Proceed.
- Choose a trigger -- we suggest Connect. This will trigger the automation every time a guest connects to the WiFi.
- Choose a delay -- We suggest Real Time, so that your automation will trigger immediately.
- Choose a send frequency -- we suggest Always to keep your information as up-to-date as possible.
- Select ActiveCampaign.
- Select your ActiveCampagin app, then select a List within ActiveCampaign. This means you can keep your email contact lists automatically organized.
- Click Proceed.
Test the automation
If you would like to test your new ActiveCampaign automation, please read the following article: Testing your Automation.
Need Help?
If you have any questions, please contact our support team by clicking the support icon located in the bottom right-hand corner of this page.
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