Location timeline overview

Real-time information 

The timeline is a real-time stream of all guests connecting to your campaign.  You can view it for all your locations at once or individually for each location.


Clicking on individual users will pull up more information about them.

Social User Profile

User Details

You can view the details of the connected user: the data you've collected about them (including, for example, their email address, profile picture, gender, or more depending on the connection), how often they have visited that location, and their total usage time.



Connection details

You can view the live connection details of the user: which location and campaign they are currently connected to, how much data they are currently using, and their MAC address. You can also block them from this screen.


 Automation history

You can view the history of every automation that has run for the selected user, including the name of the automation, the app it uses, the status, a report of that automation's history for that location, and the date and time that the automation was triggered. If an automation fails, you can see details by hovering over "Error".

NOTE: This section also contains details of real-time broadcasts.


Visit History

You can view the user's visit history: when they connected last, what their session time was, and how much bandwidth they used during each session.


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