GatherUp integration

GatherUp and MyWiFi

Connect GatherUp with MyWiFi as an app, and set up automations to automatically trigger feedback request emails sent to your guests!

NOTE: GatherUp is formerly known as GetFiveStars.


  • Active subscription with GatherUp.
  • Active MyWiFi subscription.
  • A location with an associated campaign.

GatherUp setup

You will need to retrieve your GatherUp credentials to add the app to your MyWiFi account.

GatherUp Business ID

Your GatherUp business ID can be found as part of your Leave Feedback URL.

First, go to the Profile page in your GatherUp dashboard, and locate your Leave Feedback URL. It should be formatted like this: -- in this example, 48018 is your Business ID

Copy it to a secure document.

GatherUp Client ID and Private Key

Within GatherUp, go to your Account Owner Details page.


Copy the Client ID and API Key to the secure document with your Business ID. You will need all three to add GatherUp as an app.

GatherUp integration

Now that you have your GatherUp credentials, you can integrate it as an app.

  1. Log in to your MyWiFi Dashboard.
  2. Select Apps from the main menu.
  3. Click Add New App.
  4. Select Loyalty.
  5. Select GatherUP.
  6. Choose an App Name and enter the Client ID, Business ID, and Private Key (API Key) that you retrieved from GatherUp, then click Proceed.
  7. Click Proceed.

GatherUp automation

Now that your GatherUp account has been integrated with MyWiFi, you can create an automation to make use of that data!

  1.  Select Automation from the main menu.
  2. Click Add New Automation.
  3. Decide on an Automation Name, and select the Location and Campaign this automation is for. 
  4. Click Proceed.
  5. Choose a trigger -- we suggest Connect. This will trigger the automation every time a guest connects to the WiFi.
  6. Choose a delay -- We suggest Real Time, so that your automation will trigger immediately.
  7. Choose a send frequency -- we suggest Always to keep your information as up-to-date as possible.
  8. Select GatherUp.
  9. Select your GatherUp app from the drop-down menu.
  10. Click Proceed.

It's Important

Automations for GatherUp campaigns will only trigger if the login method used by the guest collects both a valid email address and a full name. Using a login method like Free WiFi or Facebook Messenger will not collect the email address.

Test the automation

If you would like to test your new GatherUp automation, please read the following article: Testing your Automation.

Need Help?

If you have any questions, please contact our support team by clicking the support icon located in the bottom right-hand corner of this page.

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