Create a thank you page

Thank your guests

After users have successfully logged in to the network, express your gratitude by creating a thank you page. 

Thank you page options

Facebook Like box

Display the Facebook Like box of the business offering WiFi by entering the URL of their Facebook page.


Custom text

If you want to display a custom thank you message, select this option and enter the text. 

Add image

To add an image, you can either drag and drop an image or click Upload Thank You Page Image to manually upload it.



If you wish to display a custom message that is more than standard text, choose this option and enter your HTML.



If you want to change the order of the different sections, you can just drag and drop each module to where you want it. You can also change the spacing of the sections.


Don't forget to click Save Campaign.

Next Steps

Now that you've created your custom thank you page, it's time to decide if you want to enable a redirect!

Need Help?

If you have any questions, please contact our support team by clicking the support icon located in the bottom right-hand corner of this page.

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